Blog Engineering Publish code coverage report with GitLab Pages
November 3, 2016
3 min read

Publish code coverage report with GitLab Pages

Publish code coverage report with GitLab Pages


At GitLab, we believe that everyone can contribute. We also use automated testing extensively to make contributing to GitLab easier. Using automated testing is a great way to improve confidence when someone needs to change the code, which actually is the case in the majority of contributions to software projects.

But how do we ensure that our test suite covers enough to aid the confidence in changing behavior of the software, and what can we do to keep on improving it?

What is code coverage?

Using the code coverage metric is a technique that helps to improve the test suite, development process, and the software itself.

Tools used to measure the code coverage percentage usually extend the test harness environment and make it possible to map the application execution process back to the source code while automated tests are being executed. With that approach, you can not only learn how much of your code is covered by tests, but it is also possible to find out what exact parts of the codebase are not covered well enough.

Some coverage analysis tools also make it possible to generate code coverage reports in HTML format that you can then view in your browser. It makes it much easier to inspect the areas of code that are missing tests and are likely to need some improvements as well.

You can take a look at the Ruby code coverage report for GitLab that is hosted on GitLab Pages.

Code coverage report summary

How to generate a code coverage report

There are a lot of code coverage tools available for many different languages, and you will need to find the most appropriate option for your particular needs. At GitLab, with projects using Ruby, we often use SimpleCov.

You will need to check the documentation for your tool of choice to learn how to generate the code coverage report. Once you are able to do this locally, check out the rest of this tutorial to learn how to publish the report with GitLab Pages!

For the sake of this example, we will assume that you are using Ruby with RSpec and SimpleCov.

How to configure your tools

Configuring SimpleCov can be as simple as extending your spec_helper.rb with:

require 'simplecov'

When you run the rspec command, you will notice the code coverage report being generated when tests are completed. The RSpec example below comes from a very simple code that contains a single test for the single class that is there:


describe Dog do
  it 'barks' do
    expect(subject.bark).to eq 'Woof, woof!'


class Dog
  def bark
    'Woof, woof!'

And the RSpec test harness output is:


Finished in 0.00058 seconds (files took 0.08804 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

Coverage report generated for RSpec to /tmp/coverage_example/coverage. 6 / 6 LOC (100.0%) covered.

At the end of the output, you can see that code coverage report was generated to the coverage/ directory whose contents look like:

$ ls coverage/
assets/ index.html

Yes! This is an HTML code coverage report that we can publish with GitLab Pages!

GitLab CI configuration

Take a look at our documentation to learn more about how to use .gitlab-ci.yml.

The GitLab CI configuration can be defined in .gitlab-ci.yml file. Let's go through the configuration that is necessary to publish coverage report with GitLab Pages.

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